You know that writing will be of good quality if it's carried out by someone who understands editorial matters thoroughly. I apply my extensive editorial and publishing know-how, along with my creative flair, to both fiction and nonfiction writing. I readily adapt to the requirements of any job and any client, while ensuring fitness for purpose for readers from a broad range of backgrounds. My writing helps both self-publishing authors and businesses, and I can work on printed or digital documents. My writing prowess, I hope, is evidenced on my website (with my target audience in mind) and by the fact that I am the author of several book chapters; what's more, I am currently working on a few health-related books for adults and children as author, co-author and editor. My only issue in completing them is time - a problem we all have!
Have I published in my own right?
Yes. I have several published Chapters in nonfiction books on a wide range of subjects:
Amniocentesis: Monitoring the unborn bump (2008). In: Defining Moments in Science. Hatchette Livre/Cassell.
Childbirth drug, scopolamine: Declared to be truth serum (2008). In: Defining Moments in Science. Hatchette Livre/Cassell.
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). In: CR Martin et al. In: Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Learning and Teaching Environment. Swan & Horn.
Howard Taylor Ricketts: One dies so that millions may live (2008). In: Defining Moments in Science. Hatchette Livre/Cassell.
Nora Volkow: Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (2008). In: Defining Moments in Science. Hatchette Livre/Cassell.
Plasma transfusions: “Blood for Britain!” (2008). In: Defining Moments in Science. Hatchette Livre/Cassell.
Practising positive silence (2016). In: CR Martin et al. Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Learning and Teaching Environment. Swan & Horn.
Roslyn Yalow: An unlikely medic (2008). In: Defining Moments in Science. Hatchette Livre/Cassell.
South America hit by first cholera academic for a century (2008). In: Defining Moments in Science. Hatchette Livre/Cassell.
The urine pregnancy test (2008). In: Defining Moments in Science. Hatchette Livre/Cassell.
Book projects underway that reflect my interests in and knowledge about child education, chronic disease and trauma, for children and adults:
Chapter author in Kindle publication: Schools and Pandemics: Concerns about Returning During Covid-19.
Co-editor and chapter author in: Hung Out To Dry: Stories By Reluctant Members of the Lyme Community.
Author of illustrated children's book: Why Are You Scared of That?
Author of: Cauda Equina: The Sting in the Tail.
Editor and chapter writer of series of health-related books for children and young adults (Blunt Books: Several titles).
What aspects of writing do I cover?
I write from source materials for long pieces, but also research and create new content for shorter pieces. I produce a lot of marketing and promotional material for self-publishing authors, including cover copy and book blurbs, and all manner of things for businesses. My writing reflects the same standards offered by my editing services, addressing:
all the 'basics' - grammar, spelling, punctuation, hyphenation, capitalisation and syntax (word order) as well as style, tone, pace, flow, syntax and word choices
issues relating to gender, ethnicity, religion, age (and all the other '-isms')
stereotyping, stigmatisation and dehumanisation, and libellous and contentious content
redundancy, repetition (of words and concepts), tautology, ambiguity and contradiction
logical build-up ideas and information so that readers don't get lost on the way
copyright issues and permissions that should be sought
cohesion of the text with other elements of the document (e.g. illustrations, appendices, glossaries and other displayed features)
- application of any required house-style.
Can I do anything else?
I can also:
- research and prepare images
- prepare files for digital or print publication
- produce copy for websites, web pages and online resources
- compile other parts of a document (i.e. front matter, end matter and cover copy).
What are the most common types of writing projects I work on?
It's a broad mix that includes, for example:
technical writing (e.g. training manuals)
re-writing and re-purposing existing material (e.g. from highly specialist content, for a general readership)
de novo writing of whole chapters and specific features of chapters
educational and training resources (from source material and research)
academic abstracts and summaries
promotional copywriting (e.g. for books, authors and products).
Have I published in my own right?
Yes. I have several published Chapters in nonfiction books on a wide range of subjects:
Amniocentesis: Monitoring the unborn bump (2008). In: Defining Moments in Science. Hatchette Livre/Cassell.
Childbirth drug, scopolamine: Declared to be truth serum (2008). In: Defining Moments in Science. Hatchette Livre/Cassell.
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). In: CR Martin et al. In: Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Learning and Teaching Environment. Swan & Horn.
Howard Taylor Ricketts: One dies so that millions may live (2008). In: Defining Moments in Science. Hatchette Livre/Cassell.
Nora Volkow: Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (2008). In: Defining Moments in Science. Hatchette Livre/Cassell.
Plasma transfusions: “Blood for Britain!” (2008). In: Defining Moments in Science. Hatchette Livre/Cassell.
Practising positive silence (2016). In: CR Martin et al. Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Learning and Teaching Environment. Swan & Horn.
Roslyn Yalow: An unlikely medic (2008). In: Defining Moments in Science. Hatchette Livre/Cassell.
South America hit by first cholera academic for a century (2008). In: Defining Moments in Science. Hatchette Livre/Cassell.
The urine pregnancy test (2008). In: Defining Moments in Science. Hatchette Livre/Cassell.
Book projects underway that reflect my interests in and knowledge about child education, chronic disease and trauma, for children and adults:
Chapter author in Kindle publication: Schools and Pandemics: Concerns about Returning During Covid-19.
Co-editor and chapter author in: Hung Out To Dry: Stories By Reluctant Members of the Lyme Community.
Author of illustrated children's book: Why Are You Scared of That?
Author of: Cauda Equina: The Sting in the Tail.
Editor and chapter writer of series of health-related books for children and young adults (Blunt Books: Several titles).